I came across this site called Got 2 Pee and I was going wild the whole time I was watching. The first time I saw that hot little slut cross her legs because she needed to pee, I got so excited. I watched her search for a private place she could go to have a piss and then she pulled up her skirt and moved her panties to the side showing off her stunning hairless pussy and letting the warm stream of pee rush out of her. That look of pure satisfaction on her face when she was able to go almost made me cum in undies.
I jumped on the 50% off discount to Got 2 Pee. They have nearly 600 different scenes of girls pissing after holding their pee until they thought they were going to burst for you to choose from. Heck over time I’m sure you’re going to view them all, I know I will. The videos are all done in full HD and you can hear that stream of piss rushing to the ground in almost every video. Every week they are putting out updates of these little exhibitionists as they feel their bladders ease in satisfaction.